Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Creative Media Community Network

Creative Media Community Network- is a self-sufficient movement whereby stressed out employees mentors empowered students to come up with events for social causes.

CMCN’s Successful Strategic Framework:Vision Statement:
• CMCN would like to be the precursor of a United Nations version in the Private Sector to aid programs of governments with its self-sufficient funding.
• CMCN would like to be the organization that strengthens the identification to ethnic groups because we believe that the way for unification of our country is addressing its diversity.
• CMCN would like to be a pioneering selfless organization where there is NO leader but everyone is empowered to become a leader in their own contribution/s.
• CMCN would like to be an organization where everyone benefits from each other in a symbiotic effect where there is no discounting of any true good motives that in the bigger picture would help the neglected members of our society and for the good of the many.
• CMCN would like to be an organization that values honor and without opinion/s to signify our intent to be overseers of things in a pacifist way of thinking.
• CMCN would like to be an organization that helps to validate and helps to find each other’s voice as we inspire empowerment to everyone and not tyranny.
• CMCN would like to be a portal of opportunities for success for all so to inspire everyone to constantly innovate themselves.
• CMCN would like to be a trusted investment organization where investors would lend their money but with no interests to come up with events for social causes.
• CMCN would like to be a non-charitable institution because we only lend money to those accredited by our organization in need of capital to start up their business or to expand their business.
• CMCN would like to be an organization that connects everyone from everyone where information binds us all together.

Mission Statement:
 CMCN’s mission is to aid our Department of Tourism in marketing the entire Philippines as one big theme park with the following:
1. Streamlined Tour Packages;
2. Organized Transport System;
3. Coordinated Fiesta Schedules;
4. Lowered Cost of Travel be it foreign or local tourists.
 CMCN’s mission is to aid our Department of Agriculture in boosting the productivity of our farmers and of our fishermen.
 CMCN’s mission is to aid our Department of Labor and Employment in informing and in providing everyone of opportunities.

Values Statement:
 In CMCN we are bounded by our three essential values namely: Selflessness, Honor, and Validation.

Strategies and Action Plan Statement:
 CMCN Ilocos Sur with the Premier Modelling Search shall be the prelude to Ilocandia Fashion Week. This event shall mark the unification of all Ilocandia provinces.
 CMCN Ilocandia with the Ilocandia Fashion Week shall mark the opening to the national and international audience for them to experience the quality of our fabrics as we get exposure with the best of the fabrics the world has to offer. At the same time, we shall market Ilocandia to the world as the European side of the Philippines.
 CMCN Visayans once inspired by the unification of the Ilocanos in successfully staging an International Event shall organize the Visayans Film Festival.
 CMCN Tagalog with the Performing Arts Olympics shall produce lots of talents and shall be the supplier of talents in time for the opening of casinos in Nayong Pilipino.
 CMCN Baguio with the national and international staging of the Dance Prix shall signify the start of much smaller CMCN Unit Groups with their own events identified to their Market Area of Responsibility. Moreover, the Visual Arts Week shall also be staged in Baguio on a different date from the Dance Prix.
 CMCN Kapampangan, CMCN Hiligaynon, CMCN Chavacano, CMCN Waray-waray, CMCN Bicolandia, once self sufficient shall conceptualize their event as well and so on and so fourth.
 CMCN’s strategy is to make all of its CMCN Units (eg. CMCN Ilocandia, CMCN Tagalog, CMCN Visayans, etc.) self-sufficient and empowered to think for themselves for what is best for their Marketing Area of Responsibility. Once CMCN units are fully self-sufficient a CMCN Central shall be set in place in the National Capital Region to be the coordinator for all the existing CMCN Units.
 CMCN’s strategy of being international shall establish a franchise of sort for CMCN International Units (eg. CMCN China, CMCN France, CMCN Buenos Aires, etc.). Once CMCN International Units are set in place there shall be a CMCN International Hub shall be set in place in the National Capital Region of the Philippines.

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