Friday, November 27, 2009

I have the answer for our existential question that has haunted the humankind throughout history

WOW I just woke up now and I have completed my enlightenment! Ayt I sound so crazy now but I heard my own voice when I was 29 I just turned 31 and today I have completed my campaign. I think this concept of mine for my CMCN advocacy can really work. For the love of oneself, for the love of your country and for the love of this planet we live in...

You always wonder why we are unhappy? You wonder why we get fulfillment every time we do something that utilizes our passion? You wonder why separating ourselves from the rest of humanity makes us feel lost?

As Human Beings, our nature is of the social type of a being. Meaning, we can not live alone and for ourselves. That's pretty much the nature of the human specie is to be with the rest of its kind.

We get fulfillment every time we get an opportunity to utilize our gifts, talents, and passion. It's like a pencil, if it had feelings, it would be happy if it were used for writing because that's what it's made for.

That's why we have to ask ourselves what were we created by God for. Your talents and skills is a clue to start with.

You see the more we disconnect ourselves from the rest of humanity the more we feel unhappy. That's just our basic nature as humans. We have to live as a colony and not being divided by race, religion, sex, and the like...

I'm so happy because I have just completed my campaign. Now I can take that "leap" so-to-speak for my advocacy.

I realized I don't have to be as rich like Bill Gates before I could start helping because you have excess of your money! I will not give my very own money for my advocacy. But I know by utilizing my passion for my advocacy for FREE I will unburden myself of my gift and will give me fulfillment because I shall rejoin the rest of mankind in sharing my tips in loving myself, my country and my planet.

Ladies and Gentlemen, if you want to be happy find your own voice. Then utilize your passion for the good of your country and for the good of our specie living in our only planet dying as we speak!

I hope this has inspired you somehow to learn more of my advocacy, our advocacy,
--The Creative Media Community Network

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