Friday, November 27, 2009

I have the answer for our existential question that has haunted the humankind throughout history

WOW I just woke up now and I have completed my enlightenment! Ayt I sound so crazy now but I heard my own voice when I was 29 I just turned 31 and today I have completed my campaign. I think this concept of mine for my CMCN advocacy can really work. For the love of oneself, for the love of your country and for the love of this planet we live in...

You always wonder why we are unhappy? You wonder why we get fulfillment every time we do something that utilizes our passion? You wonder why separating ourselves from the rest of humanity makes us feel lost?

As Human Beings, our nature is of the social type of a being. Meaning, we can not live alone and for ourselves. That's pretty much the nature of the human specie is to be with the rest of its kind.

We get fulfillment every time we get an opportunity to utilize our gifts, talents, and passion. It's like a pencil, if it had feelings, it would be happy if it were used for writing because that's what it's made for.

That's why we have to ask ourselves what were we created by God for. Your talents and skills is a clue to start with.

You see the more we disconnect ourselves from the rest of humanity the more we feel unhappy. That's just our basic nature as humans. We have to live as a colony and not being divided by race, religion, sex, and the like...

I'm so happy because I have just completed my campaign. Now I can take that "leap" so-to-speak for my advocacy.

I realized I don't have to be as rich like Bill Gates before I could start helping because you have excess of your money! I will not give my very own money for my advocacy. But I know by utilizing my passion for my advocacy for FREE I will unburden myself of my gift and will give me fulfillment because I shall rejoin the rest of mankind in sharing my tips in loving myself, my country and my planet.

Ladies and Gentlemen, if you want to be happy find your own voice. Then utilize your passion for the good of your country and for the good of our specie living in our only planet dying as we speak!

I hope this has inspired you somehow to learn more of my advocacy, our advocacy,
--The Creative Media Community Network

Thursday, November 26, 2009

What have you done for your country lately?

I am just an ordinary citizen I am not rich like Bill Gates but I believe that with my advocacy I could make a difference. I am tired of blaming my government of their inefficiencies that's why I know in my smallest of efforts I could find solutions to my countrymen dying of hunger in the farthest reaches of the corners of my country. But I could only do so much. Please help me...

What can we do?
First, ask yourself what am I good at? What is my passion? Find your own voice.
Second, learn about The Creative Media Community Network.
Third, get in touch with school organizations and inspire them of their opportunity to grab as mentored by employees.
Fourth, come-up with events for social causes
Lastly, save 10% of money from total profit in the efforts of coming up with your own cooperative.

I am not running for any political position nor am I asking for your own money. All I ask is for you to find your own voice and know your passion. Then direct your efforts for social causes.

Remember, the people who have information has sole obligation to those who do not have.

We can not do this alone. We need each other. And by combining our passion it would magnify itself in the bigger scope of things.

Stop being indifferent. Be part of the colony and let us help inspire each other for the survival of our species.

Friday, November 6, 2009

For the sake of the colony!

one of these days i'll invite you sa fb account ng make-believe dream company ko para makita ng lahat ang power ng informtaion/networking/connection i believe di lahat about money. it's like in the olden days barter system but this time the ones exchange are services na wot we call "X-deals" and you will be surprised how this ideology is untapped yet and unharnessed to it's fullest potential. this could give my advocacy the needed mileage and in the hopes that if i reach 60y/o. this advocacy of mine would get that coveted nobel prize for our country, a first, and for my advocacy for it's well needed publicity.

You see Governess I have seen how dirty the world works been with the ranks of the what you call the people who "calls the shots" around and i weaken everytime i just close my eyes to the injustices. i hope one day the world would forgive me if i can't push through with my advocacy but until i live i will continue to fight for it. i just want the world to know that i cannot fight alone. and this is not even my fight. this is a fight for our specie not just the filipinos. we are at war now with the forces of nature as crazy as it may sound desperate times needs desperate measures believe me planting trees now won't save the human race. u don't have to be an einstein to see the world is shifting and it's not in our favor. read the signs of times in the news and no i'm not being religious and talking about armageddon.

climate change is imminent.

how about you Governess what have you done to address this concern. that's a rhetoric. but we have to make an opportunity for the whole human race through our children for them to have a fighting chance in the survival of our specie.

even if we lobby with UN and require all countries to decrease emission to 40% we still are in an impending doom.

You see Governess the battle is not in the governments for they are just mere puppets. the battle is in the private sector for those who have total command of money. I'm not dreaming of killing them specially those rich families in europe that controls the US but to give some fighting chance for the common people that would be left out in this war. That's why when i designed the Creative Media Community Network (C.M.C.N.), as a parallelism to the United Nations, it is the United Nations version but this time in the private sector.

i shouldn't care coz maybe i'll be dead by then but how about our children Governess, what if in the future thay ask you what has your generation done?

i dont ask for money i just hope in some way i could inspire the entire human race starting with us filipinos to share information on their services/specialization and exchange for the services/specialization that the others could offer and directed to a common goal --the survival of our specie...

I call this make believe dream company of mine that would jump start C.M.C.N. --adTra it means Advertising Trade or Ad Trade thereby adTra i already have my little step done when I created a friendster acct. As Mr. Velasco Commissioner of UNESCO to the country pointed out in his speech in the 12th National Press Forum --Social Revolution not like communism but social revolution in friendster, twitter and now facebook is untapped and with great potential. within this coming weeks i would be setting up an adTra account in facebook. i hope you could share some of your specialization there and exchange to someone in the country who would find it useful maybe just mere consultancy.

in the smaller scale of things and in the bigger scale of things everyone and literally anyone could benefit from this but the good things is everyone will equally benefit not alienating the benefits from the neglected members of our society.

this has burden me for quite some time now if i keep this just to myself i will explode. i have test run it to an australian activist and she said it could work but CMCN is not activism it's also not communism but basically sharing the benefits to all equally without no one being left out. the rich will benefit too but the poor will benefit too! it's a symbiotic effect where it will unite all humanity. God bless my advocacy! I may not live to see it but it burdens me to have it placed out there so that people maybe inspired for the sake of our colony.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Please forgive me I tried my all CMCN but time just wouldn't permit!

To the Humanity:

I write to you now at 4:36AM (Philippines Time) because I have thought of every way to promote CMCN but even Illac Diaz have said the magic phrase "Goodluck to your advocacy!".

It's funny but everytime I talk to a person interested with CMCN they always end up saying "Goodluck." That must be the most painful thing I could hear.

And yes, I am alone in my fight and I am still alone in my fight.

Illac Diaz makes me feel everything is possible. Well easy for him to say because he went to Ateneo, Harvard, and Massachussettes Institute of Technology. Most impressive track record! So i told him I envied him so much.

On the otherhand, you have an undergraduate with only 215 units in college from 3 different courses from a university considered Class B and the other one is Class C.

I ask for forgiveness to all of mankind because as much as I have mapped out in my head the solution to the world's problem specially that of the Philippines it's just that no one would listen to an undergraduate like me who didn't even go to Class A schools without masterals.

I am a college drop out. But Severino "Joey" Reyes said Bill Gates and Richard Branson were drop outs too!

Fine, I'm pathetic. After 8 years of developing CMCN in mind I failed and yet again.

I have no savings for starters. Doing my campaign for CMCN would entail money. My present condition is that I help market and exclusively design for Donya Nina's -my mother's boutique. Meaning, I cant afford campaigning for CMCN because our boutique in La Union has had zero customers for the third month now. Although, our boutique in Baguio is doing well thanks to my futile efforts of marketing it and packaging it.

Currently, I'm just sitting in our boutique in La Union waiting for manna from heaven and god knows what.

And yes, I already emailed the Department of Tourism. No responce from them. I prepared that presentation in MTV format in Post Modern approach for 10 days all for nothing. I even uploaded it in both and in my multiply account for easy viewing it by clicking through its link.

I also tried emailing the Philippine Commissionerto UNESCO nothing as well. He even mentioned "Social Revolution" in the speech he gave for the 13th National Press Forum. I tried so much I even went as far as chatting online about it all I got was offer for sex.

I even thought of putting up the Professional Gaymen Society of the Philippines as I originally planned where the only requirement to be a member is to have a TIN#. The gay community in the Philippines is complex. A lot of minority within a minority issues because of branding. My argument was if we could show the rest of the minorities that we can unite then we would have one half the war already. I went as far as asking existing gay groups to organize an "sex eye ball orgy" event just for them to listen to me talk about CMCN. I believe that some of the most influential positions in our society are held by gaymen. So, yes, I went overbored.

I write now just for me to explain myself that I have to stop first with my efforts with CMCN because even if I fight alone that's fine but atleast time would be on my side. Which is not obviously the case because time is not ripe so-to-speak.

So, I have come to the conclusion that I must become a famous fashion designer first before people would start listening to my advocacy.

Let me just say I did not deprieve the world of CMCN. I tried my best but time won't allow me. And yes, I feel the urgency for humanity is running out of time. CMCN would have atleast given the children of today a fighting chance when that dreadful day comes.

But he is to listen to me. I wanted CMCN to grow first in Philippine soil not just because I am a Filipino but because as I always say the Filipinos are the universal solvent. This race has the ability to infect the whole world by inspiring them of our warmth that transcends change.

I am sorry I had to stop with CMCN. I could only do so much. My efforts of putting up a page online through is only approximately 10% of my knowledge of CMCN exposed online. It would take someone with intelligence as well to break it down for other sto understand. My burden still has 90% in my head.

below is the chat I have had with Illac Diaz:

July 1, 2009:
illacdiaz2005: fahon week nanamanBrylle: It's something for me to look forward to and keep me motivated that's all. =)Brylle: God bless your Advocacy!illacdiaz2005: thanksillacdiaz2005: hahahaBrylle: your welcome Sirillacdiaz2005: take care pareBrylle: you truly are like the Filipino male version of Princess DiBrylle: take care too. ciao.illacdiaz2005: ?illacdiaz2005: hahahaBrylle: u rillacdiaz2005: just doing my dutyBrylle: i mean itBrylle: and i envy you for thatillacdiaz2005: thanks for the supportBrylle: your welcome.Brylle: Sir may I ask a question regarding advocacy and popularity?Brylle: I am a budding fashion designer with an advocacy i tried my best presenting my idea to DOT but I didn't get any responce but maybe the time is not ripe so-to-speak but the idea is to market the entire philippines as one big theme park w/ coordinated fiesta schedules and synchronized transport system. ambitious but in my head it can work. but it's a nice dream for our country coz i believe that tourism alone couuld feedd our countryBrylle: so my question is do i need to be popular first and win a nobel prize at that for my advocacy to be noticed?Brylle: I'm concerned we may not have enough time..Brylle: I understand now so I have to become a famous designer before people would listen to my advocacy.illacdiaz2005: noillacdiaz2005: you just have to keep believing in itBrylle: right easy for you to sayBrylle: heheillacdiaz2005: and grow your number of people to believe in youillacdiaz2005: i started as a model manillacdiaz2005: you know how difficult the transition was?Brylle: wot do u mean model man?Brylle: a model rightillacdiaz2005: no. a commercial model Brylle: i could not imagine how a superrficial worl u were in transitioned to something substancialBrylle: worldBrylle: that is why u gained my respectBrylle: u saw supreficiiality and u know u could excel there but you opted to be a person who wants to have an action plan on things you see are not right and u tried to make the best of wot u can giveBrylle: i wont be here sounding like i'm sucking up to you it's just that i feel so alone in my fightBrylle: and its a very long fightBrylle: i may not be alive to see it materializeillacdiaz2005: you will be surprised what future there is for youillacdiaz2005: when you fight for common goodillacdiaz2005: and how low things could go if its just material gainBrylle: i envy you so muchBrylle: you have all the right toolsillacdiaz2005: built the tools from scratchBrylle: i feel its not yet timeBrylle: but i also feel time is running outBrylle: i sound crazy alreadyBrylle: but u know the filipino inventor who invented the hydro powered carBrylle: everyone's laughing at him rightBrylle: he said something that stick to my head in one of the interviews i sawBrylle: he said it takes a crazy mind to solve a crazy problemillacdiaz2005: you know that hydrogen power is now mainstreamBrylle: really?Brylle: in europe?illacdiaz2005: and that many foreign scientists learned from himBrylle: and our kababayans just laughed at himillacdiaz2005: yeahillacdiaz2005: we lost out in a chance to redefine the automobile industryBrylle: he loved the country so much he madde a deal for these foreign car dealerships or wot have uBrylle: as long as they hire filipinosillacdiaz2005: hey,Brylle: his selflessness made me cryillacdiaz2005: lets chat soon. I have to prepare my speeches for malacanangillacdiaz2005: yeahBrylle: yes sirBrylle: thank youillacdiaz2005: no problem. sorry to cut you shortBrylle: for doing ur job u give me hopeBrylle: for my advocacyillacdiaz2005: really have one day to prepareillacdiaz2005: thanks Brylle: ciao kingillacdiaz2005: its people who send me such kind words that make my support systemBrylle: i am not sucking up to uillacdiaz2005: did not say soBrylle: but i tell u pls dont stop so that the likes of me would have hopeillacdiaz2005: I really appreciate your opennessBrylle: for our countryillacdiaz2005 is typing a message.illacdiaz2005: thanks.ciaoBrylle: ciaoBrylle: .

July 3, 2009:
Brylle: Good Evening Sir. Hope your speech went well in Malacanang as always.. God bless. You will be a great man and the children of tomorrow shall revere your courage.illacdiaz2005: thanks so muchillacdiaz2005: it went well Brylle: no, thank youBrylle: thank you despite of ur stature in life you chose to be on the side of the neglected members of the societyBrylle: you have been given a burdenillacdiaz2005: I like challengesBrylle: u r boldBrylle: and that i envy from uBrylle: u know ur taking a very long roadBrylle: i pray that u be steadfastBrylle: because in u lies our hopeBrylle: ur the voice of the people in the far flung areas u have the capability of uniting all segments from Class A to i dont know until G if there is G or even HBrylle: hahaillacdiaz2005: may h ba?illacdiaz2005: baka h1n1Brylle: I'm hesitant to ask this but is ur earth bag project the winner of ur millenium contest sorry for my silly question ?Brylle: nice to hear ur goofy din palaBrylle: =)illacdiaz2005: no. i threw the contestillacdiaz2005: the bamboo school won it. am building it nowBrylle: after all the effort u did wot?Brylle: i seeBrylle: but u build like an earth bag school din ryt?illacdiaz2005: yesillacdiaz2005: schoolsBrylle: wowBrylle: so wots with the bamboo?illacdiaz2005: new technologiesBrylle: so the bamboo tech is better than the earth bag?illacdiaz2005: no differntBrylle: okBrylle: just a question is ur earth bag info mainstream na din?illacdiaz2005: not yetillacdiaz2005: building an alternaive architecture school soonBrylle: yeah kasi when we have the money i wanna build one for my family para cute hihiillacdiaz2005: soonBrylle: how do i update myself with all these so as i wont ask uBrylle: like do u have a website i could follow ur worksillacdiaz2005: www.philippineclimatechallenge.orgillacdiaz2005: stil under construction till August 1illacdiaz2005: or my multiply siteBrylle: yes i have ur multiply..Brylle: i wish my advocacy could assist uBrylle: but for now i'm still thinking of ways to get it rollingBrylle: if my advocacy starts rolling i could help uillacdiaz2005: no rushBrylle: but now i'm burdened that i'm just keepig it to myselfBrylle: there is that impending rush moment going thru my head coz we both know we're running out of timeillacdiaz2005: its naturl pareillacdiaz2005: one day. whas important is to know it worth fighting forBrylle: i know my common ground tayoBrylle: which is to give the children of today a fighting chance when that time comesBrylle: i'm very weak personBrylle: i admire ur boldness sirBrylle: i have lost self confidenceBrylle: but i know i have to believe my advocacy works tooillacdiaz2005: it gets easier with timeBrylle: it works in my head i'm just burdened how to get the right people hearing me outBrylle: how come everything is possible with uillacdiaz2005: because I have done it before.Brylle: then i just need to follow ur tracksillacdiaz2005: start smallBrylle: so question: how do i get in touch with the right people so as i may not be wasting my effortsBrylle: i do i chat alotBrylle: but they wont listenillacdiaz2005: noillacdiaz2005: you should volunteer first in a charity to see how it is doneillacdiaz2005: experience is the best teacherBrylle: but here's the complicationBrylle: my org is not a charitable institutionBrylle: our bread and butter lies heavily on informationBrylle: not intelligence but informationillacdiaz2005: then a smliar one to yourBrylle: ?Brylle: =)illacdiaz2005: look for a similar operation to the one you are advocating and find out what worksBrylle: i'm pioneering an odd orgBrylle: =)illacdiaz2005: good luckillacdiaz2005 is typing a message.illacdiaz2005: gotta work Brylle: ayt sir thanks for ur time

You see even my idol/mentor disappointed me. CMCN could have helped him so much with his advocacy. I would have rooted for him to run for presidency in the near future in the hopes he appoints me as the Secretary of the Department of Tourism so I cold better implement CMCN's programs.

But as they say you are dreaming Bryan. But as Illac Diaz would say for common good. I say in behalf of CMCN for the good of the many that would apply to the majority risking unpopular decisions.

I hope humanity would forgive me. I did not give up it's just that I realized I have to be popular first for people to listen to my advocacy but by then everything would be too late.

I may not live to see CMCN but I hope I could inspire a person bold enough to do this task for me. Like I would be Rome and this young person would be King Arthur. And his Excalibur, would be CMCN.

I have to be self-sufficient first to be able to help. I can not give if I don't have. They say you only give what spills out from you. But selfless and Idealistic that I am I have failed because I dont have the guts to take that free fall.

I could only do so much. I believe I have done so much. Mapping out a crazy solution to a crazy problem of humanity is not easy but I have accomplished it. I can not do the legwork.

I feel that I could die now since I have 10% of this crazy solution exposed online. but still the 90% burdens me.

I just pray I become a world acclaimed fashion designer so that my soul could have peace. But until it's not so my burden shall keep on haunting me.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Creative Media Community Network

Creative Media Community Network- is a self-sufficient movement whereby stressed out employees mentors empowered students to come up with events for social causes.

CMCN’s Successful Strategic Framework:Vision Statement:
• CMCN would like to be the precursor of a United Nations version in the Private Sector to aid programs of governments with its self-sufficient funding.
• CMCN would like to be the organization that strengthens the identification to ethnic groups because we believe that the way for unification of our country is addressing its diversity.
• CMCN would like to be a pioneering selfless organization where there is NO leader but everyone is empowered to become a leader in their own contribution/s.
• CMCN would like to be an organization where everyone benefits from each other in a symbiotic effect where there is no discounting of any true good motives that in the bigger picture would help the neglected members of our society and for the good of the many.
• CMCN would like to be an organization that values honor and without opinion/s to signify our intent to be overseers of things in a pacifist way of thinking.
• CMCN would like to be an organization that helps to validate and helps to find each other’s voice as we inspire empowerment to everyone and not tyranny.
• CMCN would like to be a portal of opportunities for success for all so to inspire everyone to constantly innovate themselves.
• CMCN would like to be a trusted investment organization where investors would lend their money but with no interests to come up with events for social causes.
• CMCN would like to be a non-charitable institution because we only lend money to those accredited by our organization in need of capital to start up their business or to expand their business.
• CMCN would like to be an organization that connects everyone from everyone where information binds us all together.

Mission Statement:
 CMCN’s mission is to aid our Department of Tourism in marketing the entire Philippines as one big theme park with the following:
1. Streamlined Tour Packages;
2. Organized Transport System;
3. Coordinated Fiesta Schedules;
4. Lowered Cost of Travel be it foreign or local tourists.
 CMCN’s mission is to aid our Department of Agriculture in boosting the productivity of our farmers and of our fishermen.
 CMCN’s mission is to aid our Department of Labor and Employment in informing and in providing everyone of opportunities.

Values Statement:
 In CMCN we are bounded by our three essential values namely: Selflessness, Honor, and Validation.

Strategies and Action Plan Statement:
 CMCN Ilocos Sur with the Premier Modelling Search shall be the prelude to Ilocandia Fashion Week. This event shall mark the unification of all Ilocandia provinces.
 CMCN Ilocandia with the Ilocandia Fashion Week shall mark the opening to the national and international audience for them to experience the quality of our fabrics as we get exposure with the best of the fabrics the world has to offer. At the same time, we shall market Ilocandia to the world as the European side of the Philippines.
 CMCN Visayans once inspired by the unification of the Ilocanos in successfully staging an International Event shall organize the Visayans Film Festival.
 CMCN Tagalog with the Performing Arts Olympics shall produce lots of talents and shall be the supplier of talents in time for the opening of casinos in Nayong Pilipino.
 CMCN Baguio with the national and international staging of the Dance Prix shall signify the start of much smaller CMCN Unit Groups with their own events identified to their Market Area of Responsibility. Moreover, the Visual Arts Week shall also be staged in Baguio on a different date from the Dance Prix.
 CMCN Kapampangan, CMCN Hiligaynon, CMCN Chavacano, CMCN Waray-waray, CMCN Bicolandia, once self sufficient shall conceptualize their event as well and so on and so fourth.
 CMCN’s strategy is to make all of its CMCN Units (eg. CMCN Ilocandia, CMCN Tagalog, CMCN Visayans, etc.) self-sufficient and empowered to think for themselves for what is best for their Marketing Area of Responsibility. Once CMCN units are fully self-sufficient a CMCN Central shall be set in place in the National Capital Region to be the coordinator for all the existing CMCN Units.
 CMCN’s strategy of being international shall establish a franchise of sort for CMCN International Units (eg. CMCN China, CMCN France, CMCN Buenos Aires, etc.). Once CMCN International Units are set in place there shall be a CMCN International Hub shall be set in place in the National Capital Region of the Philippines.